Monthly Archives: June 2014

Faith Sharing: God In Our Traveling – Mary Bernau

mary2God is always with us, especially when traveling.

I think back on family vacations- our greatest memories were the unplanned parts: Our family of four went to Memphis in the Mini Cooper, we saw ALL of Graceland, went to Beale Street for catfish, saw the duck parade at the Peabody and now we are on the Trolley, EXHAUSTED! Then, a lovely woman kindly asks our son to watch up ahead to see something…”That’s Hotel Lorraine, that is where Martin Luther King was shot, I can tell you are tired, but I would like to share my city with you all and this is our Civil Rights museum…I hope you can find time to see it.”


We got off the trolley and five hours later we were so thankful this lady had guided us there. It remains a favorite vacation memory and a beloved discovery…God sent, God was with us!

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God In Our Traveling: Trail Magic

trail magicGod in Our Traveling – “Trail Magic”

Matthew 10:40-42

June 29, 2014


A friend of mine has been hiking the Appalachian Trail.

He has some great stories.

But perhaps the ones that I find the most fascinating,

are his stories of ‘trail magic.’

“Trail magic” is an unexpected act of kindness or generosity given by a stranger.

He speaks of suddenly coming upon a cooler of ice cold soda,

of offers to take a shower in the home of complete stranger.

Trail magic can be as simple as a gift of a candy bar,

or as elaborate as volunteers who set up a grill near the trail and hand out hot dogs.


Trail magic isn’t usually much,

but what makes it “magic,”

is that it usually comes at a time when the hikers are tired, hungry, and lonely.

It can move a hiker to tears.

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Drowning Does Not Always Look Like Drowning

photo 1Drowning Does Not Always Look Like Drowning

Yesterday several of our youth went to Great Waves Water Park. We spent most of our time in the wave pool, enjoying the power of the water as it pushed us about in inner tubes.

The pool was crowded and the lifeguards had their hands full.  There were guards surrounding the pool as well as two or three assigned to walk through it, diligently looking out for swimmers who were having difficulty staying afloat.

It’s hard work to be a lifeguard.  To my eyes, most everyone was flailing about, sinking underneath the water before popping up again, and screaming with fear or delight. They all looked like they could be in danger of drowning.

And yet, in the aftermath of several tragic drownings in our area already this summer, I have heard news reports remind viewers that drowning does not always look like drowning.  In fact, when someone is seriously having trouble, they are often silent because it takes too much air to cry for help.  Rather than moving around, they are often still with their hands spread at their sides – the best position to remain afloat.

Silent Drowning

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when someone is drowning…and that is true of emotional drowning as well.  Not everyone who is feeling overwhelmed by anxiety will call for help.  Not everyone who is inundated with stress will let us know.  Not everyone who is overcome with feelings of depression will appear depressed.

We are like lifeguards: diligently listening, looking, and reaching out when necessary. It is a hard job.  Chances are we’ll easily spot the people who are struggling with the obvious signs of mental distress.  It is more difficult to inquire about the disturbing Facebook post, the subtle change in behavior, or the quiet sadness.

Sometimes the people who are in the most distress are the most silent.  If you are a silent sufferer, know that help is available. If you are concerned about someone but aren’t exactly sure, reach out anyway. Drowning does not always look like drowning.

Faith Sharing: Singing in Our Daily Lives



Faith Sharing by Choir Director Nate Osburn

Singing in our Daily Lives – June 22

  • Thank you Pastor Jen, for starting this sermon series by focusing on singing and music in our lives.
  • So many songs have been a blessing in my life. There are some songs that are so deeply ingrained in our minds because the text and the melody seem to fit perfectly together.

o   This Little Light of Mine – one of the first songs we learn as kids.

o   A Mighty Fortress is Our God – written by Martin Luther himself.

o   And, of course, Amazing Grace – a tune recognized throughout the world. Continue reading

God In Our Singing

singingPentecost 2: God in Our Singing

Isaiah 49:8-13

Psalm 95

Colossians 3:12-17

Matthew 26:26-30


On Friday night a friend and I went to a concert at the Jiify Lube Live amphitheater.

There was a lot of great music,

but to me, the real joy of the concert,

was sitting on the lawn

and singing our hearts out with a group of people we didn’t even know.


This summer at Good Shepherd we will be looking at how God meets us

in the ordinary things we do in life:

working, traveling, planting, weeding, fishing,…

and today, our topic is “God in our Singing.”


Nate shared with us beautifully how God is present in the ordinary activity of singing.

As I think of it, however, singing isn’t really all that ordinary anymore.


In fact I think it’s rather rare that a group of people sing together.

When was the last time your family gathered around the piano for a sing-along?

When was the last time your class at school sang together?

When I grew up, every elementary school classroom had a piano,

and as I remember it, we sang pretty much every day.

But these days, it seems, singing is not something we ordinarily do together.

Rather it happens on special occasions – extraordinary gatherings – like a rock concert.

…That is…unless you come to church.

In church, singing is very ordinary.


For those of you visiting this morning?

Yes we sing together – every week in fact!

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The Most Beautifuller Princess

disney princessesThe Most Beautifuller Princess

On many Thursday afternoons I can be found at Casa Chirilagua, a non-profit faith-based afterschool program in a Latino neighborhood not far from the church. After the 20-25 children arrive, they have snack and then they rotate among 3 stations for 1/2 hour each: Homework Help, Bible Story/Activity, and Reading.

On one particular afternoon recently, I was helping out in the Reading station.  Two second graders came bursting into the room so they could choose their favorite book before someone else selected it.  Their favorite book is, The Disney Big Book of Princesses.

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goTrinity – Commencement

June 15, 2014

Matthew 28: 16-20


I had a thought earlier this week,

that perhaps the best way to proclaim this gospel text

would be to say to you,

“Jesus says ‘Go!’”

…and head out the door!

But I had some second thoughts.

So here we are…


This passage from the gospel of Matthew is known as “The Great Commission.”

A person who is commissioned is given a new role or rank.


Military officers are commissioned.

In the church, we commission mission teams or deacons.

We send them out into the world with our blessing.

We say, ”Go!” –and they do!


Well here Jesus commissions the 11 disciples.

They are given new roles.

They had been students; now they’re teachers.

They were baptized; now their job is to baptize others.


I don’t know what the disciples were thinking about at the moment,

but I imagine they were a bit frightened at the prospect of losing their teacher,

of being on their own,

of being sent out into the world.

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Riding With James

roadRiding With James

James has been homeless for a long time. Over the past several years, he’s stayed off and on with various family members and friends.  This week James’ disability money ran out and he also ran out of favors. His friend asked him to leave.

Looking for help, James Googled “Churches” and “Route 1” – and Good Shepherd came up first. James called Good Shepherd and we provided him with food and a list of area shelters.  James called them all, but they were all full.

I told James that I would drive him to Gettysburg if he was interested in the Adams Rescue Mission program there. He spoke with the mission and agreed to it.

So I drove him to Gettysburg.

Now this is God!

I had the most amazing ride with James!  We were still on the beltway when James declared, “Now this – this right here (indicating our ride together) is God!”

That was the beginning of a 90 minute conversation about God and about life.  Someday James would like to write a book.  I think I’d like to read it. Here is some of what he said:

  • People throw out broken things. God uses broken things.
  • Don’t ever lose your spiritual swagger.
  • I want to keep plugged in – like a refrigerator!  You gotta stay plugged into the source – if you don’t, things will be okay for a little while – but sooner or later it’s going to smell!
  • Everyone wants to be able to give to others.
  • I’m not afraid to say that I cry sometimes.

I asked James if I could share something about our visit with others.  He said he’d be disappointed if I didn’t because “This is God!” (And he said it would only be fair –  he’s planning on including it in his book!)

In Christ,

Pastor Jen

Power to the People!

windPentecost A – Power to the People

June 8, 2014

Acts 2: 1-21


Jesus tells the disciples to wait and they will receive the power of the Spirit..

Well here it comes!


This is what we celebrate on Pentecost!


This is one of the most exciting Bible texts there is..

the power of the spirit comes – and it comes as fire, wind, words…


It comes with the power of fire –

bright red and orange flames,

fire which blazes and crackles,

burns, spreads, and engulfs;

the power of the spirit is like the power of fire.


The Spirit comes with the power of wind –

wind which can strike hard and strong like a cold Arctic blast

or as  soft as a warm gentle breeze;

wind which comes out of nowhere and goes where it may;

wind which we cannot see;

the power of the spirit is like the power of wind.


The Spirit comes with the power of words –

words which are spoken in many languages;

words which are shared and understood by all people, everywhere;

words which carry power not only because of what they mean

but also because of by whom they are spoken;

words which are bold and daring, faithful and true;

the power of the spirit is like the power of words.

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Spirituality of Dogs

imageCarly, my 3 1/2 year old golden retreiver, met her new vet this week. She wasn’t happy with the introduction. I could tell by the way she headed out the door when he called her name…

Actually, it’s quite easy to tell how Carly feels most of the time. The spiritual practice of mindfulness – paying attention to the present moment – is a difficult one for most of us humans. But for Carly, it’s simple. As far as I can tell, Carly doesn’t worry much about the past or the future. The present is all that she has on her mind – she practices mindfulness naturally.

Practicing mindfulness

When Carly is thirsty, she takes a drink.

When she has an itch, she scratches.

When she sees a toy, she shakes it, throws it up into the air and catches it with delight.

When she’s tired, she lies down – even if it happens to be in the middle of a “walk.”

When there’s food, Carly eats – singlemindedly.

If you come to the door (and you’re not a vet), she greets you with her full attention and she expects yours.

Carly doesn’t even try to multitask. She does one thing at a time and she gives it her all.

There’s something to be said for practicing mindfulness. It can be a very spiritual practice to pay attention – to look, listen, touch, taste and feel what is in front of us at the moment and put aside worries about the future or regrets about the past. God is present with us in the here and now and I don’t want to miss it. This week I’m learning from my dog.


In Christ,

Pastor Jen